18 July 2012

Stay classy, SCAF supporters: Clinton met with Lewinsky jeers during recent Cairo visit

It took me awhile to write about this because I have so much to say and no idea how to say it.

It started a few weeks ago when an Egyptian friend posted a photo of Clinton on Facebook captioned, "To Hilary Clinton focus your attention on the Monica Lewinsky scandal!!!"

Ignoring the spelling mistakes and the poor grammar, I almost reached through my computer and strangled my dear Egyptian friend. He's obviously part of the upper class, works for the government, and once defended Omar Suleiman, Egypt's answer to Dick Cheney, as a good man.

Disagree with Clinton's actions as Secretary of State. Whatever, I don't really care.  But Lewinsky? Why define her by her husband being a jerk? What the hell does that have anything to do with her work? Nothing. Don't be such a machismo douche.

He answered that she kept on talking about SCAF and should mind her own business. I told him to mind his.

That was unfortunately a prelude to the Egyptian reaction to Clinton's recent visit to Cairo.  Fed by rumors Clinton is a secret Islamist, protesters gathered outside her hotel and pelted her motorcade with tomatoes, holding signs with similarly poor grammar, taunting, "Monica! Monica!" The protests were led by Tawfiq Okasha, Egypt's answer to Glen Beck. They pointed to information from right-wing nutjob Frank Gaffey, who accused Clinton's rock-star staffer of being a closet Muslim Brotherhood supporter.

Via Ayman Mohyeldin. I don't really know what that's supposed to mean. 

According to Foreign Policy Passport:

 If Hillary Clinton is indeed a covert Islamist, she's not doing a very good job eliminating the tensions between the Muslim Brotherhood and the U.S. government. The list of potential issues goes on and on: The Brotherhood's uncertain guarantees of equal rights to Copts and women, its shaky commitment to inclusive democracy, and its antagonism toward Israel are just a few of the subjects that could trip up relations with the United States. Decades of built-up antagonism and suspicion can sabotage even the most basic cooperation: Just this month, a spokesman for the Brotherhood's political party accused the American NGO workers who were arrested under the former military government of being involved in "intelligence work."
Hillary's response? It was a shameful waste of tomatoes.

I'm not particularly surprised by the lack of class.  But really? Ugh. See. I don't even know how to say what I'm trying to say.

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