29 February 2012

Mubarak not military enough for tribunal

The head of Egypt's military judiciary, Adl al-Morsy, said today Mubarak cannot be referred to a military court, as he does not have a current military designation.  According to al-Morsy, his title as chief commander of the armed forces was honorary.

Except, when he was struggling to hang on to power, he pled with his people to remember his service as a pilot in Egypt's Air Force. The military branch of which he served as commander from 1972 to 1975.

Oh, so you have to have a current military designation to be tried before the military court in Egypt?

Like activist Asmaa Mahfouz?

Or blogger Michael Nabil?

Or blogger Alaa abd el-Fattah?

Or any of the other 12,000 Egyptians sentenced before military courts from February to August 2011?

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