22 June 2012

Bassem Youssef: "The only way is to open up for everybody."

"People want democracy until someone else they don't like comes to power. 

The problem is that--I don't agree with the MB or the Salafis--but it's wrong to hide inside your bubble and go running to the military and asking them to protect you because for 60 years their rule in Egypt created poverty, extremists, and radicalism. The only way is to actually open up for everybody. Because you know what happened to the MB--after the parliamentary elections they won by 75 percent. In 2 months, they lost half of their votes because they were accountable for the first time in 80 years. Just give them power and let them deal with it."

--Bassem Youssef

Bassem Youssef and Jon Stewart on after taping The Daily Show (From @DrBassemYoussef's Twitter feed). 
Interview, part 1: Taking a photo of Catherine Zeta Jones' assprint. Actually, members of the MB are quite normal. 

Interview, part 2: Bassem dreamed of being on the Daily Show.  Above quote. 

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