10 June 2012

Shabaab places bounty on Obama: For you, ten camels. "Old Woman" Hillary only worth ten roosters, hens

"Whoever reveals the hideout of the idiot Obama will be rewarded with 10 camels, and whoever reveals the hideout of the old woman Hillary Clinton will be rewarded 10 chickens and 10 roosters," said Fouad Muhammad Khalaf, a member of al-Shabaab.

SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant organizations, reported Khalaf made the comment after Friday prayers, mocking a United States bounty on members of the Somali organization.

"I can assure you that these kinds of things will never dissuade us from continuing the holy war against them," continued Khalaf.  "There is nothing new in the fact that infidels pay to have Muslim leaders killed.  They already did that by offering camels for the head of the Prophet Mohammed, and the dollar is the camel of today."

Khalaf was referring to a story in the Quran in which an offer of 100 camels was made for the Prophet when he was fleeing Mecca for Medina.

On Thursday, the Department of State announced a $7 million bounty for al-Shabaab founder and leader Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed, more commonly known as Godane or Abu Zubayr, and a $5 million bounty for information on the whereabouts of Khalaf and three other members of the militant group.  Three million was offered for information on two other members of the group.

Al-Shabaab took control over large swaths of Somalia after the fall of the Islamic Courts Union after an Ethiopian invasion in 2006.  The Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which once controlled only blocks in Mogadishu, successfully reclaimed several key bases from al-Shabaab in recent months with the assistance of troops from the African Union.

According to VOA, after years of war, Somalia is working to attract investment and business back to Mogadishu.

"Now, business, hotels, restaurants have started opening, roads are building, schools are building so now, a lot of hope [is] there," said MP Mohammed Amin Osman.

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